What is perhaps one of the most disturbing "traditions" for a lack of a better term is the honor killing. Up until early last year I had no idea about these. For the unfamiliar let me define a "honor killing".
"The so-called "honour killings" are murders by families on family members who are believed to have brought "shame" on the family name."
It seems that in the media that the focus is on honor killings that are Islamic in nature, but I am sure that any religion that has radicals in it has the capacity to commit an honor killing.
I came across two stories, which I will link, that show two recent example of honor killings.
BERLIN (Reuters) - Police investigating the fatal stabbing of 16-year-old German girl of Afghan origin are searching for her brother on suspicion he carried what media believe may have been an "honor killing".
The article doesn't state why the brother may have killer his sister. I believe it is safe to assume that it was sexual in nature.
Over in Jordan a man was sentenced to ten years in the honor killing of his sister.
AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — A man who is suspected of drowning his 22-year-old sister for having an extramarital affair was charged Monday with premeditated murder, a judicial
official said.
http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5iO21varyL1DsYfQjv0iuTIK0EabQD90K8D480The article mentions how an average of 20 Jordanian women are killed because of honor killings.
I am not sure of prevalent honor killings are in the USA or if any have occurred recently. I did some research and I found an article, but it lead me to a dead link. It seems that recently, in the past few years, a Turkish immigrant was charged with an honor killing.
If you want to read an excellent article on it, here is one from Amnesty International. It states how the UN reports that at least 5,000 women are killed yearly via honor killings. The UN also notes that these crimes are VERY unreported, and understandably so.
http://www.amnestyusa.org/amnestynow/legalizedmurder.htmlIn some nations it is legal in certain regards such as catching your wife or lover in the act of adultery. In some, even premeditation is allowed.
This final story is not related to honor killings, but I believe it emphasizes the inhumane nature of radical Islam.
LONDON (AFP) — A gay Iranian who says he faces death if forced to return home has won a deportation battle and been granted asylum in Britain, officials said.
Thankfully he was granted asylum. The young Iranian is only 19. He moved to the UK in 2004 after his boyfriend was executed. Sodomy is punishable by death in Iran.
It is an absolutely disgusting example of how radicals use religion to further their inhumane views. It is one thing to disagree about the morality of homosexuality, but it is very different than believing homosexuals should die.
There is a very great line in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice regarding citing religious scripture to justify evil deeds.
"The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose."- Antonio
I'm not intending for a debate about homosexuality, but I believe that most of us being reasonable human beings would agree that it is barbaric to execute homosexuals. We should also be reasonable enough to agree that honor killings are just as barbaric.
I will continue posting any stories about honor killings or other examples of religious radicals attacking human rights.
Throughout history we have seen how radicals can twist and contort religious teachings, how wicked men can use religion as a tool to harm mankind. In the past at the forefront was radical Christianity. Today it seems to be radical Islam.
I don't know what the answer or solution is to this. I am not religious. I am an atheist. I read Buddhism for the philosophy. I don't believe that we can really find a solution. I believe that humanity has an obligation to protect each other from all evils. Whether that evil is found in religion, in business, or in government, we have a duty to maintain a respect for human rights and protection for our fellow citizens.
I do not believe that religion is evil. I believe that man can use religion as a tool for evil purposes. There are some terrible things written in the Bible as well as most holy books. These are examples of man using it as an evil tool.
Just look at the Sermon on the Mount. That, most would agree I assume, is a fine example of a very human friendly passage from the Bible. Compare that with verses that dictate the killing of certain people and you see the difference.
I do not believe that we should be appeasing radical Islam as well. Their reaction over the Danish cartoons was almost unbelievable. Death sentences were imposed on humorists! Some of those cartoons may have been in poor taste, but that is not worth a death sentence. Could you imagine what would happen in America if the Catholics went after George Carlin? I believe that most of us would be ashamed. We should not appease any radical force that disrespects human rights.
Some may say "These are different cultures, respect their beliefs". I respect beliefs that do not impede on human rights, especially beliefs that advocate the killing of others. Especially in the name of "God" or whatever supreme being it is.
I am not suggesting what some conservative Christians in the USA do, which is that there is a war against Islam. I believe that there is a conflict between the philosophies of life and of death.
Back in the 1980s, the author of "The Satanic Verses" had a fatwa imposed against him. Radical Muslims wanted him to die. Salman Rusdhie has had a death sentence imposed over his life because of a book he wrote. A book! He has yet to be harmed, however some of those connected to the novel such as translators have been murdered.
Once radical Christianity was at the forefront of human rights abuse. Look at the Inquisition, how missionaries treated natives, etc. Radical Christianity on a global scale doesn't seem to be significantly violent. There are of course still radical Christian terrorist groups. I believe I have confidence to say that the torch has been passed and radical Islam is the religious threat to peace in today's age. Gone are the days of the Crusaders, today is the day of the militant Muslim.
On the home front it seems that the biggest debate between religious society and secular society is over the place of religion in government, gay rights, and sex and violence on t.v.
Before I close let me clear up any discrepancies and misconceptions.
I am not opposed to peaceful Christians, Muslims etc. I don't see even riled up men such as Pat Robertson as threats to peace, I see these radical evangelicals and the like as threats to progress.
What I do believe are a threat to peace are ANY member of a church, religion, or ideologue who uses their philosophy to further violence against mankind. Whether that radical is a Muslim, a Christian, an Existentialist or even an atheist it does not matter. If you advocate or carry out violence against mankind, you are a threat to peace and prosperity.
I hope that in the end reason triumphs over blind fate and hatred.
That's how I see it.