Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mr. McCain Goes to Wilkes-Barre Pictures

The last one is of Chris Hackett and Sen. Lisa Baker.


Big Dan said...

"I voted against banning torture, even though I was tortured. While I was in Vietnam, my lovely trusting wife got in an accident that disabled her. When I got back, I dropped her like a hot potato as she recovered in a hospital bed and ran off with a billionaire beer heiress. The media never report this, because the corporate-owned media is owned by rich, Republicans and they trick you by also hiring pundits like Rush Limbaugh to complain about 'the liberal media''s all a setup and you've all been falling for it like obedient braindead idiots."

Big Dan said...

"I voted for the credit card company written bankruptcy bill, so now people going broke can't claim bankruptcy. You see? I don't give a shit about the non-rich!!! Do I care that you will leave college with $100,000.00 worth of loans? Do you ever hear me talk about it? Do you ever hear me talk about health care? I know you're paying $1,000/month for health care that doesn't nearly cover everything, but I don't care! We need to attack Iran!"

Tony Thomas said...

I was hoping to ask him a question about his vote against banning torture or about Pakistan. He didn't call on me though. An old teacher of mine gave him a good schooling on how the Bush Administration is neglecting our veterans.